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me n vicky went catch up n stuff..
we met some new friends
mavis n brain!! ha ha ha
then i fell asleep in vickys fornt garden for like 10 mins
but she didnt think to wake me lol..
then we went upto the pond…
‘listening to music’
to watch the sunset!!
PMSL…n ye..sttrrraaannggee things happened next

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nicky slept at mine ha ha it was sooo funny..
she really makes me giggle that girl!
we went for a random walk to nickys to get her charger
he he he
on the way back we had a really good funny convo!
i kept gettin really random proper giddy spurts..
in the end i ended up more drunk than nicky lol
(first time for everythin)
anyway..great night kido! CHEERS!!

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ont the way to school for the past 5 years
be it on bus or in car..we always comment and point out the random frog in the wall
its finally bin noticed!!!! wooo!!

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jo has made this book about school that we were lookin through..
n this page proper made me smile 🙂
thanks so much jo i lvya loads!!
*big hug*

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well we were planning a lovely day out at the park for a picnic
unfortunetly it chucked it down so we had it in jo’s instead..
however the weather brightened up n we went on jo’s next door neigbors
trampoline for the rest of the day…was really of those days u laugh so much it hurts!!
we were all jumpin on it flyin all over th eplace singin corny songs..
the mega bounce that sent us all flying….n we had short kick aorund
it was really good to catch up with them again coz i hadnt seen them for AGES!!
i missed them all well loads, as always we have a giggle
its wierd to see whats changed even in 6 weeks!

SUPER KATE!!!!!! ^^^^

SUPER ALEX!!!!! ^^^^

SUPER JESS!!!!! ^^^^

SUPER JO!!!!! ^^^^

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we went camping for a few days…
n it was sooooooo fun!!!
me and my bro are so awsome at sand castles..
n we had our traditional shell race track!
i got rather drunk on the first nite..which caused me to fall hilariously
over the guide ropes of our tent ha ha ha….priceless moment..
we played cards n frisby and all the other kool things u do when u go camping..
we had this thing of taking pictures of eachother at stupid moments
i really enjoyed it!! cheers all!!
for the pics click on our awsome sand castle…

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i had such an amazing day today
well good time bus hopin! with Claire n Nicky
we got a day savor n just toured around.
such a good laugh!!! it really was a giigle..
gotta do it again…plus me n claire dared eachother
to have our extreme make up on through out the day!
at random points in the day i went into total giddy mode.
lol i had one moment in particular in the toilets of the trafford center
we were all in a cubical..n all of a sudden i burst into a scream of song really loud
we ended up in places like manchester airport…trafford center..
we went all over manchester n stockport!

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yesterday i went to ricks for a bit…
came n did a few things at home..then went in claires with moo
n danced to fun songs WOO!!!
then claire stayed at mine…n we dressed up!!
i love dressin up in stuff n posin for pics its really fun!!

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went glossop today with claire kelsey jess n mike
really does seem to be the ‘in’ place at the mo..
was good!! didnt get any pics tho :(…
we went out hoping to go on the boating lake
but were very dissapointed to find it closed 🙁
so we went n chilled in stamford park..
i had a real good laugh near the cafe..
and with jess and her drawings up on the concreate path!!!
‘Aww yee i can dance in the rain.’ ‘What!? if there was a fight??’
‘ginger/garlic fingures’
then me n claire skated down to jess’s which was interestingly funny
n we stayed at jess’s n was out in the hammok for a while
then came in n watched freaky movies..

TUESDAY: today i hung about with Rick n Nicky out n about..
n rick got pushed into a bush ha ha..
then i went out with claire on the skates until reallly late
n slept at claires..n i must say we are officially obsessed with the film
freddy got fingured!!!!

^^^^ lol how moody do i look on that pic!! ^^^^^
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we went n met a few star wars charecters..
then i went round ashton actin like a freak n getting stared at
whats new?? lol