went glossop today with claire kelsey jess n mike
really does seem to be the ‘in’ place at the mo..
was good!! didnt get any pics tho :(…
we went out hoping to go on the boating lake
but were very dissapointed to find it closed 🙁
so we went n chilled in stamford park..
i had a real good laugh near the cafe..
and with jess and her drawings up on the concreate path!!!
‘Aww yee i can dance in the rain.’ ‘What!? if there was a fight??’
‘ginger/garlic fingures’
then me n claire skated down to jess’s which was interestingly funny
n we stayed at jess’s n was out in the hammok for a while
then came in n watched freaky movies..

TUESDAY: today i hung about with Rick n Nicky out n about..
n rick got pushed into a bush ha ha..
then i went out with claire on the skates until reallly late
n slept at claires..n i must say we are officially obsessed with the film
freddy got fingured!!!!

^^^^ lol how moody do i look on that pic!! ^^^^^