
this weeeekkk

wow how windy has it been!!!!!
for danni’s 17th last week we went for a meal at pizza hut
i really dunno how we got kicked out….tisk tisk tisk..
mike was just too giddy to controll lol…
we got a limo there to!! hey hey pretty smmoooottthhh…
he he…
simon was in mine the other day…proper funny..
made a fire in the garden…ha ha (no comment)
n we played this really ranodm game of tiggy bouncy ball OUCH!!!!

One Response to “this weeeekkk”

  1. Nicky Says:

    *just giggles* thnks for the invite mike..awesome night, lved it.. altho i was freezin my ass off later.. hehe..
    *big huggles to danni* 😀 😀 😀