so ye went to sleep at 6am…got up at 9:30am
had to be at skool at 9:45…helpin out with all the languageness…
today i got really emotional n stuff…like bien at skool…n the things the teachers were sayin..
it like really made me think..n by what they were sayin.. i really didnt no i ment that much for the skool..
then i got so totally emotionally overwelmed with me leaving..
like mrs peters intriduced me to her daughter..n sed this is kate.. this is who you wanna be like when your older..
n her daughter sed.. o is this kate.. n miss sed.. ye ur role model.n smiled ..n i was all like AWWWWWWWWWW..
now mrs peters is one of those teachers that u just wanna hug,,,
it was like things like that.. im not gonna explain them alll.. coz im sure u cant be btohered reaidn them all..
but if your are interested….just ask me..
i worked the chocolate fountain..which was fun.. n danced n singed with mrs venoli (thats a first)..