

ha ha ha..woot..its becomming a bit of a habbit the longy lot gettin together
im glad..dont wana lose touch with u all 🙂

chloe u make me giggle!!!!! ‘ PSSTTTT…..FIND THE PAGE’ ‘URR FAULT!!!’
ha ha everyone chloes selfish PMSL!!!
we watched BOTH Dirty Dancin 1 n 2…*pokes jo’s cheek* 😛
we all now have pet names from chloes brother….hmm ye lol

a few quotes from the night….(coz u know what my memories like)

‘i actually felt myself throw up a bit then’
‘i like ur curtains…’ ‘ i dont’ ‘no me niether..’
‘i raise ur wet hands with my fishy fingers’ AHA HA HA A!!!!!!

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