SURPRISE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG…first off…..i want to thank everyone for everything that you all did for me…
especially JESS….and jane n kevin for alowing it to happen… MASSIVE HUGS TO U ALL!!!
it was like so incredably amazing.. and i wish i cud keep that moment forever (lol why didnt any1 film it)
like it was really such a surprise.. n i cant thank u all enough.. n im so gratefull n just like WOW…how much effort u put into it all…n like it was all just totally awsome…n like just the first 10 seconds of walkin into jess’s
i didnt reliase u could become so emotional so fast…i was proper nearly gonna cry…
n then when the cake came was just like … DUDE!!!
but thank u 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 … im so lucky to have mates like u…i love u all so much!!!
December 29th, 2005 at 2:14 pm
I’m glad u ad a fabiloso time kate!!!
U deserve it dude!!!
Love u loads n loads
Kels xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
January 4th, 2006 at 10:59 am
I’m glad too babe! That night was errr interesting! lol Glad you like the present too! Loads of love Jess x x x x x